Thursday, December 31, 2009

Something simple for the strings

Today she sang that truly sad song
you sing when something sinks
inside the soft spot
of your stomach,

the soft spot that's sore
from unsleep,
salty suppers,
simple sadness.

She had sensed the signs surfacing
before they said hello, before
they settled in the room to stay
for sangria and a cigar,

before the sun set

She started simply humming
the song she would later sing

soft, not sweet,
soft, not sullen
but sort of slow like
syrup from a saucer like,

the sound was so soft at first
it barely hissed past her lips.

She smiled and knew
all things must pass,

but as the sun set west
the song still swelled
up from her stomach
filled her lungs
past her lips,

until she was singing
that true song you can't
help but sing
when sadness

and there is nothing else
that can soothe the sorrow.

Sunday, December 6, 2009


Pink leaves
pink trees,
pink baby belly butterfly
in morning light,

afternoon shadow

Shaking from last night
from unsleep,

sweat it out
set yourself on

the pink leaves
make pink trees

hush now darlin,

the science here

Sunday, October 18, 2009

55 words

I heard about this now defunct 55 word story project. I liked it.



They met high up in the Spanish Pyrenees from Tel Aviv, Toronto.
Why won’t you let me be near you? He touched her hair.
I never asked you to come here.

I can’t get out of the mountains until the train tomorrow.
Can I stay with you tonight?
This is humiliating.
I know.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

We sit on subways and hold our breath. Don't hold your breath.

Don't you keep yourself out
or in
some starless place
without me,

the faithful moon,
reduced to a crust
in your shadow

You, fat planet
been gone so long

Don't you keep yourself out
or in
some twilit place,
without me,

the foolish moon,
to the same old beat

in the heat of
your glow.